Main Envelope

The main envelope affects five effects:

  1. Crossfade

  2. Noise Gate

  3. Mod Params

  4. Transient Detector

  5. VFX Envelopes

While playing softly in a home studio, turn up the main envelope sensitivity. Before blasting on a live stage, turn down the main envelope sensitivity.

The further the mic is in the bell, the lower the main envelope sensitivity will need to be.




  • Main

    Envelope sensitivity.

  • Freq

    The frequency to boost.

  • Boost

    The amount in dB to boost the selected frequency.

    Boosting between 1 kHz - 4 kHz makes the envelope respond to the brightness of the tuba’s sound. It’s a simple way to apply frequency weighting that makes the envelope a bit snappier.

  • Q

    The “quality” / resonance of the boost.